"Higher Education, Belize's Conduit to (Sustainable) National Development"
From Danalyn Myvett:
"Leadership: Effectively Managing to Survive Change"
"Effective Leadership: Conquering Challenges whilst Developing Belize"
"Effective Leadership: Building Belize whilst Embracing Change"
"Effective Leadership: Building Belize whilst Embracing Change"
"Effective leadership: Embracing Change and Building Belize"
"Effective Leadership: Delivering a better tomorrow"
"Effective leadership: A Step in The right Direction"
From Dorla Rosado:
"Change Leadership: Creating A Better Belize;From Dorla Rosado:
"Change Leadership: A Brighter Future for Belize"
"Change Leadership: Purpose, Passion and Power for a New Belize"
From Margarita Gomez:
"Education and Leadership: Bridging the gap of the 21st Century brought about by globalization and change"