Which of the following is your favorite?


L-R;1st row:Nestor Chan; Minerva Pinelo;Dr. Rockensies; Dorla Rosado;2nd Row- Silvana Uds;Gwen Nunez-Gonzalez;Margarita Gomez;Kevin G. Tucker; 3rd Row- Rosemarie Modera;Nadine Tun; Rita Enriquez;4th Row-Leroy Almendarez;Sol Yam;Fred shu;5th Row-Marjorie Parks;Danalyn Myvett;Sheree Craig;6th Row- Judy Diego;Sylvia Cattouse;Eugene Cleland;back row- Dwight Faber;Bernard Watler;Rosalia Saldivar;Lim Lo. Missing: Beverly Faber, Yvonne Davis;Stuart Simons;Shawn Rhaburn;Yvone Palma

Saturday, May 1, 2010

Sheree Smiling- Craig- past conference coordinator, 2009

"We want to share with the Belizean people what we have been doing and what we plan to do in the future. In the next year or so we should be completing the programme and at the end of that time we will be publishing some of our research or making people aware of the result of research that we will be undertaking during the next year. There are 31 Belizeans in the programme at this time and we range in age from twenty to seventy something. There is no way you would be able to complete this programme without building comradery and a lot of collaboration of effort. The programme really leads to an EDD, a doctoral degree; the difference between a doctoral degree, an EDD and a PHd is that the Edd has an applied dissertation so we have to do an applied intervention and we have topics that will affect education and business communities. What the students are doing is that we are coming up with problems that we have identified in our society and we are going to do research and apply an intervention to that problem. We will then state our results at the end" (Love FM, 2009).

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